Read our news and other articles relating to our activities. You can also find out what we’re up to by following @Forest_Research on Twitter or through the Forest Research Vimeo channel and our LinkedIn Page.
Read our news and other articles relating to our activities. You can also find out what we’re up to by following @Forest_Research on Twitter or through the Forest Research Vimeo channel and our LinkedIn Page.
Tree professionals working in arboriculture are being asked to take part in a new tree health survey as part of a DEFRA-funded project looking at pathways and practices concerning the tree disease, canker stain of plane.
Detection dogs have been used in the UK to successfully identify tree disease, helping track down the deadly tree pathogen Phytophthora ramorum.
Forest Research is undertaking a major study and asks forestry professionals across Britain to report stem cracks using TreeAlert, the online tree health reporting tool.
A new national monitoring project aims to help prevent the potential spread of a serious pest affecting spruce trees – the larger eight-toothed European spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus).
Forest Research reports a record number of tree pest and disease enquiries.
Recently published research in the Journal of Fungi reveals the destructive tree pathogen Phytophthora ramorum originates from the laurisilva forests of East Asia.
The FUTURE OAK project, comprising scientists at Bangor University, Aberystwyth University, Forest Research and Sylva Foundation, will study how oak microbiomes are affected by environmental change and disease.
Research finds that when bacteria and beetle larvae associated with acute oak decline were used to infect oak logs, there was a significant increase in the variety and abundance of damaging genes expressed by the bacteria, particularly those of Brenneria goodwinii, the main bacterial culprit in causing the stem rot associated with acute oak decline.
A pioneering new project to investigate the health of our British oak trees has been given the go-ahead.
Scientists at the University of Southampton and Forest Research say understanding the risk of damage by deer to new and existing forests in Britain is crucial when considering their expansion.
Living Ash Project Phase 2 funding announced. The new five-year programme is the second phase of the project which is aiming to secure trees tolerant to the fungal disease ash dieback for future seed production.