A combination of rising atmospheric CO2 levels and consequent changes in temperature, precipitation, windiness and solar radiation will lead to changes in soil functioning. This research is linked to our climate change research programme and will examine how climate change affects soil functioning. Further details are given in Bulletin 125.
The following approaches are currently being investigated:
- Examination of existing models which predict the status of soil carbon and other nutrient pools as influenced by changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration and climate
- Use of long-term Level I and Level II data-sets and/or other environmental data sources such as the Environmental Change Network (ECN) to investigate relationships between climate and soil nutrient and carbon dynamics
- Use of Level I and II Networks data to estimate forest soil carbon stocks
- Testing models of carbon sequestration in forest soils
- Measuring and modelling below–ground carbon allocation
- Research on peat soils as sinks or sources of carbon.