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Greenspace design for health and well-being

Lead Author: Aileen Shackell

1st March 2012



Printed publication format:

A4, 76 pages

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The guidance set out in this Practice Guide represents a step forward in our thinking about the benefits of the outdoors for health and well-being. It aims to inspire everyone involved with outdoor spaces in healthcare settings to think how they could be used for therapeutic purposes. Focusing on outdoor spaces across the NHS estate, the guidance is relevant to the full range of facilities, from the largest hospital to the smallest health centre. It also has a wider application wherever health and well-being is important, for example in places such as care homes and special schools. The Guide has been designed to be accessible to a non-technical audience, and will be of interest to those engaged with policy, and everyone interested in improving patient care – whether they deal directly with patients, or focus on grounds management. It will act as a good introduction for those new to the field, but many professionals already working in ‘therapeutic landscapes’ will also find it of interest.