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Dr Joan Webber, Principal Pathologist and project leader at Forest Research will present her recent research on P. ramorum and offer an informed perspective on the future for larch in Wales.

This evening webinar will be hosted by Woodknowledge Wales. Joan Webber will provide a 20-minute presentation followed by a Q and A.


6.30pm to 6.40pm – Welcome & introduction from the chair: Christiane Lellig – Woodknowledge Wales

6.40pm to 7.00pmPhytophthora ramorum – the science and implications – Dr Joan Webber (Forest Research)

7.00pm to 7.30pm – Q and A

This webinar should appeal to sawmillers, tree growers, forest contractors and anyone interested in tree disease and the future for larch in Wales.

What is Phytophthora ramorum?

P. ramorum is a fungus like organism that affects a wide range of species and the effects of the pathogen vary greatly depending on the host. P. ramorum is regulated as a Schedule 1 organism under EU emergency measures (2002/757/EC) and implemented in Wales by the Plant Health (Forestry) Order 2005 and the Plant Health (Wales) Order 2018.

Phytophthora ramorum Action Plan for Wales.

In 2018, Welsh Government set out its commitment to tackle the growing issues around the increasing prevalence of P. ramorum in larch across Welsh woodlands.

The Phytophthora Operational Response Team (PORT) was set up to provide clear strategic advice and recommendations to the Wales Tree and Plant Health Steering Group for the management of notifiable Phytophthora species in Welsh woodlands within the context of the scientific understanding, risks and overall management of these pathogens in woodlands.

To gain a better understanding of this disease and its spread, the Wales Tree and Plant Health Steering Group launched the Phytophthora ramorum Action Plan for Wales in 2019.

Event details

Thursday 29 February 2024