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Climate Change Hub

Find out how landowners have assessed their sites for climate change risks and implemented new measures to help meet management objectives and increase resilience in the future.

The case studies range in size from small woodlands of three hectares to large forests of nearly 70,000 hectares, and many of the forests can be visited as indicated on the map.

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Find out how this ‘climate-ready’ demonstration forest in central Scotland is preparing for increased risks of storms, flooding and landslides.

Adaptation measures have helped enhance resilience to both pests and diseases and climatic stresses in this 80 hectare SSSI woodland in the Midlands. Watch our video.

A community woodland in Kent has enabled the comparison between new two woodland areas planted in 2006; one of the areas was designed for the future climate.

Pioneering private woodland owner Mr Sclater created a 3ha plantation in Sussex in 2017 that is designed be more resilient to the future climate. Watch our video.

A range of adaptation measures were implemented on the public forest estate in Surrey to increase resilience to changing climate risk, including more frequent drought episodes.

Following a ten-day fire control operation in 2011, increasing resilience to wildfire became a priority for this large mixed forest in Berkshire.

Low impact silvicultural systems have been adopted in an exposed site in northeast Wales to help reduce the risk of storm damage and other climate change impacts.

Climate resilience and biodiversity conservation were core themes of a new land management plan, which includes peatland restoration and species diversification.

To support biodiversity and resilience against a range of climate change risks, natural regeneration and deer control are among the pro-active adaptation measures now in place.

Replacing mature conifer stands with slow growing broadleaved woodland can help stabilise steep slopes and reduce windthrow, minimising the risk of landslides on the A82 in Scotland. Watch our video.

Careful management measures are being used at Tentsmuir Forest and the neighbouring nature reserve to increase the resilience of the forest to several climate risks to this low-lying coastal area.

Queensberry Estate has a diverse forest managed for a range of objectives. Further improvements to species and structural diversity are reducing climate change risks.

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