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137 Search Results for forests and biodiversity

  • Tools and Resources

    Forests and biodiversity

    The conservation of biodiversity is an essential part of sustainable forest management.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Managing forests for biodiversity

    Lead Author: Richard Ferris-Kaan
    Managing Forests for Biodiversity was the title of a one-day symposium, organised by the British Ecological Society’s Forest Ecology Group, and held at the Maybury Hotel, Edinburgh on 2 September 1992. This Technical Paper is a record of papers presented at the symposium plus additional information, preceded by a brief introductory review. The symposium was […]
  • Research

    The FOrest Biodiversity Index (FOBI)

    Forest Research, Forestry & Land Scotland and Forestry England have co-developed an evidence based, repeatable approach for assessing the biodiversity potential of the National Forest Estate. Several extent, condition, connectivity and diversity metrics are measured and aggregated into a Combined Biodiversity Index. An online, interactive tool allows users to explore mapped scores.
  • Publications

    Biodiversity in Britain’s planted forests

    Lead Author: Jonathan W Humphrey
  • Publications

    [Archive] Domestic stock grazing to enhance woodland biodiversity

    This Note describes the influence of domestic stock on woodland habitats and their associated flora and fauna and provides guidance on the use of domestic stock to re-create, maintain and enhance the characteristics of semi-natural woodlands.
  • Publications

    The devil is in the detail: Metabarcoding of arthropods provides a sensitive measure of biodiversity response to forest stand composition compared with surrogate measures of biodiversity

    Lead Author: Nadia Barsoum
    We investigated whether biodiversity information obtained from DNA metabarcoding of mass-trapped arthropods and from a range of taxa-based surrogate measures of biodiversity (e.g. carabid beetles, vascular plants) provide: 1) similar estimates of alpha and beta diversity and 2) provide similar forest management related conclusions. We also explored how well habitat-based surrogate measures of biodiversity (e.g. stand structure, volume of deadwood) predict observed biodiversity patterns.
  • Publications

    Using DNA barcoding and metabarcoding to detect species and improve forest biodiversity monitoring

    Lead Author: Nadia Barsoum
    Growing threats to biodiversity from pressure of land use, climate change, and invasive pests and diseases highlight the importance of obtaining accurate baseline measurements of current forest biodiversity, as well as improved monitoring to detect early signals of change. Developments in molecular techniques have advanced to the stage that there are now practical methods available […]
  • Publications
  • Publications

    How does a biodiversity value impact upon optimal rotation length? An investigation using species richness and forest stand age

    Lead Author: Vadim Saraev
    A study integrating biodiversity data for British forests with economic modelling of optimal rotation length. Investigation revealed some evidence of relationships between overall species richness and stand age.
  • Publications

    Managing deadwood in forests and woodlands

    Lead Author: Jonathan W Humphrey
    Deadwood is a vital component of a properly functioning forest ecosystem. It plays an important role in sustaining biodiversity and in delivering ecosystem services such as soil formation and nutrient cycling. In the UK up to a fifth of woodland species depend on dead or dying trees for all or part of their life cycle […]
  • Tools and Resources

    Biodiversity resources

    Resources relevant to forests and biodiversity General The UK post-2010 biodiversity framework (2012). JNCC, Defra. Biodiversity 2020: a strategy for England's wildlife and ecosystem services (2011). Defra, London. The natural choice: securing the value of nature (2011). HM Government. Forestry related Keepers of time: a statement of policy for England’s ancient and native woodland (2005). Forestry Commission England, Bristol. Contacts Forestry Forestry Commission – […]
  • Publications

    Welsh Plant Health Surveillance Network Programme: 2023 review

    Lead Author: Racheal Lee
    This document is an Annex to the Welsh Plant Health Surveillance Network Programme 2022 Review, and reports on the second year of the WPHSN activities undertaken on behalf of the Welsh Government. It describes a network of insect and spore traps placed at strategic woodland sites across Wales to monitor and record the presence/absence of invasive pests and pathogens which may negatively affect our trees, woodlands, and forests.