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496 Search Results for Ecosystem services

  • Research

    Payments for ecosystem services

    Investigating a framework of incentives covering financing and paying for the benefits provided by ecosystems to households, communities and economies
  • Publications

    Payments for ecosystems services

    Lead Author: Gregory Valatin
    Ecosystem services have traditionally been regarded as ‘free goods’ and there is a lack of incentives to protect them. Payments for Ecosystem Services attempt to rectify this, often through market mechanisms. The use of these schemes has become more widespread particularly in the USA and some developing countries. By Gregory Valatin (Forest Research) and Jenna Coull […]
  • Research

    Peatland ecosystem services

    Monitoring ecosystem services from afforested peatland and the effects of bog restoration and conversion to peatland edge woodland
  • Research

    Understanding and mapping the socio-cultural benefits of forest recreation

    Trees, woods, and forests provide multiple benefits to society, including those of social and cultural value. This research outlines a scoping study which sought to identify and test methods for spatially mapping and surveying the recreation attitudes and behaviours of people living in an area around Cannock Chase National Landscape.
  • Research

    Land Use and Ecosystem Services

    The research aims to increase our understanding of how woodlands and wooded landscapes provide a diverse range of ecosystem services (ES), and to help policymakers, forest managers and planners understand and assess how the specific placement and management of woodlands affects ES delivery at various scales.
  • Publications

    Ecosystem services and forest management

    Lead Author: Louise Sing
    The ecosystem services concept helps describe the benefits which humans receive from nature and natural processes in a way that can influence policy and management decision-making. The ability of trees, woodlands and forests to provide a wide range of ecosystem services is very much dependent on where they are located and how they are managed. […]
  • Research

    Payments for Ecosystem Services (Forests for water)

    The aim of the PESFOR-W COST Action is to synthesize knowledge, provide guidance and encourage collaborative research to improve Europe’s capacity to use Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES)
  • Research

    Cultural ecosystem services, values and benefits

    Cultural ecosystem services are identified as the benefits people gain from their interactions with different environmental spaces, such as woods or parks, and the activities, such as walking and cycling, they undertake in these spaces.
  • Research

    Valuing tree and forest ecosystem services

    Our research explores the value of different tree and forest ecosystem services and uses innovative methods to identify and capture those values
  • Publications

    Delivery of ecosystem services by urban forests

    Lead Author: Helen Davies
    This Research Report looks at a broad range of urban forest-based ecosystem services and disservices and, using a literature review, links their provision with four aspects of urban forests (physical scale, physical structure and context in terms of location and proximity to people and land use and ownership). A key objective of this report is […]
  • Publications

    Factsheet: Climate change and ecosystem services

    Climate change will have wide-ranging effects on ecosystem services
  • Service

    Land use and ecosystem services research services

    The Land Use and Ecosystem Services Research Group provides services to the forestry and environment sectors in the following areas: Evidence & knowledge These services are focussed on generating ecological, environmental, and social evidence and knowledge. We do experimental work, talk to people, and derive new evidence from existing data. For example, our work on WrEN and Peatland ecosystem […]