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149 Search Results

  • Research

    Developing a Woodland Water Code

    The design and development of a Woodland Water Code (WWC) to act as a crediting mechanism to encourage private investment in trees for the improvement of the freshwater environment.
  • Research

    Expanding Agroforestry: A Tree Species Guide for Agroforestry in the UK

    This ‘Tree Species Guide for UK Agroforestry Systems’ provides an overview of 33 species of trees and shrubs that could be planted in UK agroforestry systems.
  • Research

    Forestry & Woodland Resilience to Drought (FORWaRD)

    To inform ‘climate resilient forestry’ policy and management, understanding the drought response of UK tree species is crucial but remains largely unquantified. The Forestry & Woodland Resilience to Drought (FORWaRD) project will address these knowledge gaps by providing an integrated assessment of drought resilience for a variety of UK tree species across a range of temporal and spatial scales.
  • Research

    Green Finance in the Context of UK’s Trees, Woods, and Forests

    There is a need for Green Finance mechanisms to increase private investment in UK woodland creation and tree planting. Forest Research is exploring existing evidence on this topic, identifying innovative mechanisms, existing case studies and research gaps.
  • Research

    SUPERB – Upscaling Forest Restoration

    Forest Research, working with Forestry and Land Scotland, is leading a forest restoration Demo for the EU Horizon2020 “SUPERB” project. This demonstrates conversion to continuous cover forestry, establishment of high-elevation forests, and riparian woodlands with natural flood management measures, and will work with stakeholders to examine potential for upscaling.
  • Research

    Post-colonial biosecurity possibilities

    In this project we explored what hinders and enables researchers, policymakers and practitioners in their work protecting native trees and forests in New Zealand/Aotearoa and Wales/Cymru. This is an international collaborative project between the two countries called Post-colonial biosecurity possibilities.
  • Research
  • Research
  • Research

    The potential for agroforestry to reduce net GHG emissions in Scotland through the Woodland Carbon Code

    This research examines the potential of agroforestry to contribute to meeting greenhouse gas emissions reductions targets outlined in Scotland’s Climate Change Plan, and the economic viability of adopting agroforestry practices. It finds agroforestry has potential to sequester carbon and is generally financially viable, but benefits vary according to different factors.
  • Research
  • Research

    Climate change and urban forests

    Can urban forests help cities adapt to climate change? Urban forests can both help reduce climate change and help urban society cope with its impacts. As growing trees remove carbon dioxide from the air, storing the carbon in their biomass, urban forests are an important part of our response to...
  • Research

    Woodland Creation and Expansion – Programme 6

    This research aims to find out how to expand woodland cover in a way that maximises ecological and social benefits. The programme complements the other six programmes and follows collaborative principles to produce tools which support land managers, stakeholders and policymakers to increase engagement with woodland creation activities