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The Forestry Commission Journal was introduced as a way to communicate information on a wide range of topics which could not be communicated through ‘ordinary official channels’, and was intended to be a means of exchanging the opinions and experiences of all members of the staff.
This twenty-seventh Journal includes information on: Fire cartoon; A visit to Canada; Alice Holt Lodge and forest; Notes on new acquisitions: England: Miterdale, Cambs., Wolscy Park, Staffs. Scotland: Glen Etive and Barrs; Rannoch Barracks; Dali; The permanent seed identification code; The treatment of the less familiar broadleaved tree seeds; Undercutting of conifer seedlings; Afforestation of open-cast coal workings at Aberpergwm. Coed Morgannwg; Foel Fynyddau. A mountain sterilised by old copper works; The development of radio communications in the Forestry Commission; Water dams for fire fighting; Wild goats at Abergynolwyn, Dovey Forest; Observations on vole attacks at Challock and Lyminge Forests in East Kent; The training of badgers at Pershore Forest; The felling of thinnings; Report on the forest workers’ course at Laubau in Bavaria; Forest worker’s course at the Forest Labour School, Arnhem, Holland; Maintenance of Jo-bu saw chains; Book review: Sandvik forestry saws; A new quarter-girth tape; Short shaft axes; Long handled felling tongs; Log refreshment chalet at Symonds Yat Rock; A creosoted sliding gate; Dwelling house made from thinnings timber; Timber conversion; First aid in agriculture; Safety hints for circular saws; Homegrown softwood in London Docks; Divider as a measuring device in the field in forestry; Economics in forestry; Working plan for Tentsmuir, Fife; Measurement of periodic increment of young conifer trees; Bibliography on Windblow; Bibliography of Effect of Sea Spray on Trees and Seaside Tree Planting; Telling the forestry story; Let us see it in print; List of finds from Staple Howe, Scardale Forest, sent to the British Museum; Fire tower at Emery Down, New Forest; Postscript to the Scottish Woodlands Census, 1947-49; Christmas tree cartoon.

Publication type
Archive publication: Journal
Publication owner
Forestry Commission