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The Forestry Commission Journal was introduced as a way to communicate information on a wide range of topics which could not be communicated through ‘ordinary official channels’, and was intended to be a means of exchanging the opinions and experiences of all members of the staff.
This twenty-sixth Journal includes information on: Forestry, agriculture, and marginal land; Notes on the Seventh British Commonwealth Forestry Conference, 1957; Australia and New Zealand; A tour of Tasmania and North Auckland; A year with American foresters; A visit to Russia; In the forests of the Caucasus; A Visit to German Forests; Gibraltar; Forestry in Great Britain: a review; Forestry in Ayrshire; Notes on Whittingehame; Crarae forest garden; The tree and garden books at Gravetye Manor; Tallest and largest specimens of common trees recorded since 1947; Newborough forest, Anglesey; Advice on choice and treatment of forest tree seed; A key to 21 sorts of conifer seed; A review of nursery research: 1952-56; The benefit of lath covers for protection against frost; A review of research branch trial plantations; Trials of a disc plough on upland heaths; Some principles of combustion and their significance in forest fire behaviour; An experiment to conserve water used by a Landrover fitted with a Langdon pump for fire fighting; Supply points for knapsack sprayers; A vision of F.Y.85, or fire protection fantasy; Vole damage, 1956-57; The natural and artificial control of vertebrate pests of agriculture; The wood-pigeon problem; Winter roosting of starlings at Halvana, Wilsey Down Forest; Mechanical engineering in forestry operations; Waterways for culverts in border forest areas; Impressions of forest work in Sweden; Norwegian ideas on forest working techniques; Report on Sonsterrud forest workers course, Norway; A discussion on tool maintenance instruction courses; Forest worker instruction; Some notes on timber felling; Heavy timber felling; Transport of pit props by sea; Grading of sawn British softwoods; New hardboard plant opened; Good fuel; The soil survey of Scotland; Forestry in relation to landscape; Forestry from the town planner’s angle; The woodlands of Sussex; British Bryological Society field excursion, Barnstaple; Excavations at Staple Howe, Scardale Forest; Book review: Timbers used in the musical instruments’ industry; Mathematika.

Publication type
Archive publication: Journal
Publication owner
Forestry Commission