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Head Physical Environment Research Group

Tom’s main research interests are in studying the impacts of forestry on the quality and quantity of water resources, and applying this knowledge to inform integrated catchment management and the evaluation of water benefits and costs. He manages a Group of eleven staff and is responsible for ~£1m annual research budget, including laboratory services.

Tom has expertise in forest hydrology, forest biogeochemistry and applied catchment management, which he has used to support the development and implementation of the Government’s forest policy on sustainable forestry and the protection of the physical environment: by conducting research, liaising with other agencies and providing authoritative advice. He has acted as a Technical Advisor on forest-water issues to a number of international and national bodies, including Forest Europe, European Expert Advisory Group for Water Framework Directive Implementation in forests, and UK Forestry Standard Joint Agency Steering Group on forests and water guidelines.

Tom is an experienced manager of large interdisciplinary projects involving a wide range of partners, including landowners, industry, regulators, community groups, LAs & NGOs. He has been a partner in many EU projects and currently sits on the Management Committee for the EU COST Action PESFOR-W project.

Joined the Forestry Commission in 1987 as a forest hydrologist following a post-doc at the Macaulay Land Use Research Institute in Aberdeen. Started as project leader, became programme manager and now research group head. Grown a research team at the forefront of evaluating the contribution of forestry to natural flood management, diffuse pollution control and use of ‘opportunity mapping’ in integrated catchment management.

  • Forest hydrology, including effects of forests on flood flows, base flows, water resources, and water quality, especially acidification, under a changing climate
  • The impact of forest management practices on the freshwater environment and the development of measures to mitigate risks and maximise benefits.


  • Member of British Society of Soil Science
  • Member of Forestry Commission’s Forests & Water Guidelines Review Group
  • Member of European Expert Advisory Group for Water Framework Directive Implementation in forests
  • Member of Defra led Joint Water Evidence Programme Steering Group
  • Member of project advisory board for NERC DiHPS (Distributed heat pulse sensor network) project
  • Research Evaluator for Ireland Environmental Protection Agency and the Irish National Council for Forest Research & Development.
Science Group Leader
Physical environmental sciences

Alice Holt

Alice Holt Lodge




Related Research


Developing a Woodland Water Code

The design and development of a Woodland Water Code (WWC) to act as a crediting mechanism to encourage private investment in trees for the improvement of the freshwater environment.

Status current


Forest Hydrology Research Programme

Rationale, approach and students of the Forest Hydrology Research Programme

Status current
Land management in lowland catchments for integrated flood risk reduction

The LANDWISE project is a collaboration of academics, policymakers and practitioners to investigate the impact of land use and management on flood risk in the Upper Thames catchment. It will quantify through measurement and modelling by how much, where and how the flood risk benefits can be up-scaled from local to river basin level.

Forestry and Water Quality

Research to understand woodland-water interactions to reduce diffuse pollution and improve water quality

Woodland measures for meeting Water Framework Directive objectives

An evaluation of the key issues relating to woodland and the Water Framework Directive

Stump harvesting

Guidance developed by Forest Research on the selection of suitable sites for stump harvesting, best practice to maintain sustainable forest management, and research to quantify the risks to soils

Forestry and Natural Flood Management

Current research into the role of forestry in natural flood management

Forestry and Water Resources

Improving ability to quantify amount of water used by trees through a range of process, field-catchment and modelling studies

Related Publications


Acetamiprid used to prevent Hylobius abietis damaging young trees poses a very low risk of causing water contamination provided good forestry practices are followed

A study of chemical runoff following the use of acetamiprid as a pre-treatment and top-up spray to prevent damage from the large pine weevil (Hylobius abietis L.) to young trees was undertaken at a restock site in mid-Wales. The site was specifically selected to pose a high risk of chemical runoff, being a high elevation, […]



Designing and managing forests and woodlands to reduce flood risk

Flooding is a major environmental hazard facing the UK and one that is expected to increase with climate change. Societal impacts and economic damages are likely to escalate, with major floods already costing multiple £billion. These concerns are driving a more sustainable approach to flood risk management involving greater working with natural processes to slow […]

Modelling the long-term response of stream water chemistry to atmospheric pollution and forestry practices in Galloway, SW Scotland

Report assessing the long term role of forestry in relation to the acidification and recovery of soil and surface water. It targets some of the most acid impacted head waters in the Galloway region of southwest Scotland, including three sub-catchments in the Black Water of Dee (Dargall Lane, Green Burn and Cuttie Shallow); Cardoon Burn […]

The impacts of conifer afforestation and climate on water quality and freshwater ecology in a sensitive peaty catchment: a 25-year study in the upper River Halladale in North Scotland

  Highlights Good forest practice was effective at protecting water quality. Streamwater acidity and ecology unaffected by conifer afforestation. Hurricanes caused marked changes in streamwater acidity and water colour. Total P increased after fertiliser applications but no impact on ecological status. Findings will inform future woodland expansion within sensitive water catchments. Abstract Our study was driven by objections to afforesting the sensitive peaty […]

Forest clearance for peatland restoration

Phased felling and low impact harvesting can effectively control negative impacts of forest clearance for peatland restoration

Trends in surface water chemistry in afforested Welsh catchments

Analysis of 22 years of water chemistry data from afforested Welsh catchments revealed trends indicative of recovery from acidification

Valuing flood regulation services of existing forest cover to inform natural capital accounts

Background Forests are recognised to reduce flood flows, although the issue is complex and continues to be explored. While the processes of how trees affect the generation and conveyance of flood waters are understood, there remains a lack of monitoring data to quantify effects at the catchment scale (click here to visit the WWNP evidence base webpage). This […]

The natural capital of floodplains: management, protection and restoration to deliver greater benefits. Valuing Nature - Natural Capital Synthesis Report. VNP09.

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Opportunity mapping for woodland creation to reduce flood risk in Northern Ireland

The report provide results, methods and details of the source data used in a mapping project to provide GIS spatial datasets which identify priority areas for woodland creation to benefit flood risk management in Northern Ireland. Maps are also available in an additional document. The results provide a strong basis for developing and refining catchment strategies, initiatives […]

A strategic assessment of the afforested peat resource in Wales

This report assesses the distribution of the Welsh peatlands, gives an overview of the likely impacts of peat forming factors and afforested peatland restoration, develops national and field based assessment schemes for the assessment of afforested peatland in Wales viable for restoration, carries out a national GIS assessment identifying potential restoration areas in Wales, tests […]

Opportunity mapping for woodland to reduce flooding in the Yorkshire and the Humber region

By Samantha Broadmeadow and Tom Nisbet. Research report to Forestry Commission England, March 2009. Forest Research Monograph: 1ISBN 978-0-85538-822-5 Related pages Forest hydrology Soil sustainability

Opportunity mapping for woodland creation to reduce diffuse sediment and phosphate pollution in the Lake District

By Samantha Broadmeadow and Tom Nisbet. Research Report July 2010. Related pages Forest hydrology Soil sustainability

Opportunity mapping for woodland to reduce flooding in the River Derwent, Cumbria

By Samantha Broadmeadow and Tom Nisbet. Research report to Forestry Commission England, March 2009. Related pages Forest hydrology Soil sustainability

Opportunity mapping for woodland creation to meet the objectives of the Water Framework Directive

Map-based case study to assess how woodland creation could be better targeted within catchments to locations where it would contribute most to maximising water and other benefits, while minimising risks. By Samantha Broadmeadow, Tom Nisbet, Martyn Silgram & Katrina Morrow. Final report to the Environment Agency and Forestry Commission England, May 2009. Related pages Forest hydrology Soil sustainability

Guidance on site selection for brash removal

By Tom Nisbet. Considers site selection for brash removal in upland conifer forests, with a focus on Sitka spruce stands.

Restoring floodplain woodland for flood alleviation

By Tom Nisbet and Huw Thomas. Final Report for Defra Project SLD2316 – a study designed to evaluate and demonstrate the contribution of floodplain woodland to flood alleviation. Related pages Forest hydrology Soil sustainability

Guide to using woodland for sediment control

This guide describes the catchment approach that is being developed by a partnership of organisations in Cumbria in northwest England to control sediment inputs to Bassenthwaite Lake. It sets out the steps taken to identify the main sources of sediment and explores how woodland could help to alleviate the problem. By: By Tom Nisbet, Samantha Broadmeadow […]

Opportunity mapping for trees and floods

By Samantha Broadmeadow and Tom Nisbet. Research Report to Parrett Catchment Project, Wet Woodland Group, December 2003. Related pages Forest hydrology Soil sustainability

Other Research






Slowing the Flow at Pickering
Grant recipient and Project Lead (now in Phase III; longer-term monitoring)

Impact of forestry on surface water acidification
Work Area Leader

Working Group Leader and Member of Management Committee

Working With Natural Processes
Member of Expert Group, leading on the role of woodland in flood risk management

Woodlands for Water and Opportunity mapping
Project Lead

Coalburn Catchment Study
Chair of Project Steering Group

Peer reviewed journal articles

Peer reviewed journal articles

Valatin, G., Nisbet T. R. et al. 2017. Improving the design and environmental effectiveness of woodlands for water Payments for Ecosystem Services. Research Ideas and Outcomes 3; e13828

Thomas, H., Nisbet, T. R. 2016. Slowing the flow at Pickering: Quantifying the effect of catchment woodland planting on flooding using the Soil Conservation Service Curve Number method. International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, 6. No 3, 466-474.

Helliwell, R.C., Aherne, J., Nisbet, T.R., MacDougall, G., Broadmeadow, S., Sample, J., Jackson-Blake, L. and Doughty, R., 2014. Modelling the long-term response of stream water chemistry to forestry in Galloway, Southwest Scotland. Ecological Indicators, 37:396-411.

Helliwell, R.C., Aherne, J., MacDougall, G., Nisbet, T.R., Lawson, D., Cosby, B.J. and Evans, C.D., 2014. Past acidification and recovery of surface waters, soils and ecology in the United Kingdom: Prospects for the future under current deposition and land use protocols. Ecological Indicators, 37:381-395.

Langford, T., Broadmeadow, S., Jones, J., Shaw, P. and Nisbet, T. (2013). Fish and Trees: implications for climatic warming. Quarterly Journal of Forestry, Vol 107, (1), 57-61.

Thomas, H. and Nisbet, T.R. (2012). Modelling the hydraulic impact of reintroducing large woody debris into watercourses. Journal of Flood Risk Management 5 (2): 164–174.

Vanguelova, E.I., Nisbet, T.R., Moffat, A.J., Broadmeadow, S., Sanders, T.G.M. and Morison, J.I.L. (2012). A new evaluation of carbon stocks in British forest soils. Soil Use and Management 29, 169-181.

Gagkas, Z., Heal, K.V., Vieno, M., Nisbet, T.R. and Stuart, N. (2011). Assessing the effect of broadleaf woodland expansion on acidic dry deposition and streamwater acidification. Forest Ecology and Management 262, 1434-1442.

Broadmeadow, S., Jones, J.G., Langford, T.E.L., Shaw, P.J. and Nisbet, T. (2010). The influence of riparian shade on lowland stream water temperatures in southern lowland England and their viability for brown trout. River Research and Applications DOI: 10.1002/rra.1354 Jan 2010.

Gagkas, Z., Heal, K.V., Nisbet, T.R. and Stuart, N. (2010). Comparison of different critical loads approaches for assessing streamwater acid-sensitivity to broadleaf woodland expansion. Science of the Total Environment, 408 (6), 1235-1244.

Morrow, K., Silgram, M. and Nisbet, T. (2010). Can woodland measures in agri-environment policies assist in meeting WFD objectives? In: Agri-environment schemes – what have they achieved, and where do we go from here? Editors Nigel Boatman et al. Aspects of Applied Biology 100, Association of Applied Biologists, Warwick.

Vanguelova, E. I., Benham, S., Pitman, R., Moffat, A. J., Broadmeadow, M., Nisbet, T., Durrant, D., Barsoum, N., Wilkinson, M., Bochereau, F., Hutchings, T., Broadmeadow, S., Crow, P., Taylor, P., and Durrant, T. (2010). Chemical fluxes in time through forest ecosystems in the UK – soil response to pollution recovery. Environmental Pollution 158 (5): 1857-1869.

Book and book chapters (including published conference proceedings)

Nisbet, T.R., Silgram, M., Shah, N., Morrow, K. and Broadmeadow, S., 2012. Assessing the potential of woodland services for meeting Water Framework Directive Objectives. In: Proceedings of the SAC/SEPA Biennial Conference held at the University of Edinburgh on 3-4 April 2012, pp 20-25. SAC Auchincruive, Ayr.

Odoni, N.A., Nisbet, T.R., Broadmeadow, S.B., Lane, S.N., Huckson, L.V., Pacey, J. and Marrington, S. (2010). Evaluating the effects of riparian woodland and large woody debris dams on peak flows in Pickering Beck, North Yorkshire. In: Proceedings of the Flood and Coastal Management 2010 Conference, The International Centre, Telford 29 June-1 July 2010 (10pp).

Vanguelova, E.I. and Nisbet, T.R. (2010). Protection of forest soils and water in a changing climate – management and policy challenges. In: Proceedings of the SAC and SEPA Biennial Conference held in Edinburgh 31 March – 1 April 2010; Climate, Water and Soil: Science, Policy and Practice (Eds K Crighton & Rebecca Audsley), p146-152.

Vanguelova, E.I., Reynolds, B., Nisbet, T. and Godbold, D. (2011). The cycling of pollutants in non-urban forested environments. In: Levia, D.F., Carlyle-Moses, D.E. and Tanaka, T. (Eds.), Forest Hydrology and Biogeochemistry: Synthesis of Past Research and Future Directions. Ecological Studies Series, No. 216, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany: DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-1363-5_34.

FC and FR publications including official statistics

Forestry Commission. 2017. UKFS Forests and Water Guidelines (update). Forestry Commission, Edinburgh.

Nisbet, T.R. & Evans, C.D. (2014) Forestry and surface water acidification. Forestry Commission Research Note 16. Forestry Commission, Edinburgh.

Forestry Commission. 2014. Managing forests in acid sensitive water catchments. Forestry Commission Practice Guide. Forestry Commission, Edinburgh.

Forestry Commission. 2011. UKFS Forests and Water Guidelines. Forestry Commission, Edinburgh.

Moffat, A., Nisbet, T. and Nicoll, B. (2011). Environmental effects of stump and root harvesting (PDF-1244 KB). Forestry Commission Research Note 9, Forestry Commission, Edinburgh (12pp).

Nisbet, T.R., Thomas, H. and Shah, N. (2011). Short Rotation Forestry and Water in McKay, H. (ed.) (2011). Short Rotation Forestry: review of growth and environmental impacts (PDF-3255 KB). Forest Research Monograph, 2, Forest Research, Surrey, pp13-34.

Nisbet, T., Silgram, M., Shah, N., Morrow, K. and Broadmeadow, S. (2011). Woodland for water: woodland measures for meeting WFD objectives (PDF-1912 KB). Forest Research Monograph, 4, Forest Research, Surrey (156 pp).

Nisbet, T., Silgram, M., Shah, N., Morrow, K. and Broadmeadow, S. (2011). Woodland for water: woodland measures for meeting WFD objectives (PDF-1440 KB). Summary of Final Report from Forest Research to the Environment Agency and Forestry Commission England. Environment Agency, Bristol (34 pp).

Broadmeadow, S.B. and Nisbet, T.R. (2010). Opportunity Mapping for Woodland to Reduce Flooding in the Yorkshire & the Humber Region (PDF-6947 KB). Forest Research Monograph 1. Forest Research, Surrey (64 pp).

Contract and project reports

CONFOR. 2015. The role of productive woodlands in water management. CONFOR, Edinburgh, (12 pp glossy leaflet).

Nisbet, T.R., Marrington, S., Thomas, H., Broadmeadow, S. and Valatin, G. (2011). Slowing the flow at Pickering. Final Report to Defra, 28pp.

Pilkington, M., Mount, D., Walker, J., Allott, T., Ashton-Ward, R., Evans, M., Hammond, G., Huggett, D., Nisbet, T., Rose, S. 2015. Natural Flood Management; an appraisal of current status. Moors for the Future Partnership, Edale, Derbyshire, UK.

Thomas, H. Nisbet, T.R., Broadmeadow, S. 2014. Opportunity mapping for woodland creation to reduce flood risk in Wales’ Integrated Natural Resource Management Pilot Catchments (Rhondda, Tawe and Dyfi). Forest Research report to Natural Resources Wales.

Broadmeadow, S., Shah, N., Nisbet, T.R. 2014. Opportunity mapping for woodland creation to improve water quality and reduce flood risk in the Diffuse Pollution Priority catchments of the Grampian Conservancy. Final Report to FC Scotland and SEPA (47 pp).

Broadmeadow, S., Shah, N., Nisbet, T.R. 2014. Opportunity mapping for woodland creation to improve water quality and reduce flood risk in the Diffuse Pollution Priority catchments of the Perth & Argyll Conservancy. Final Report to FC Scotland and SEPA (44 pp).

Broadmeadow, S., Shah, N., Nisbet, T.R. 2014. Opportunity mapping for woodland creation to improve water quality and reduce flood risk in the Diffuse Pollution Priority catchments of the Central and South Scotland Conservancies. Final Report to FC Scotland and SEPA (50 pp).

Thomas, H., Nisbet, T.R. 2013. Climate change adaptation in the Glasgow and Clyde Valley: Opportunity mapping for woodland creation to reduce flood risk. Final Report to the Glasgow & Clyde Valley Green Network (42 pp).

Broadmeadow, S., Thomas, H., Nisbet, T.R. 2013. Yorkshire & North East England Woodland for Water Project, Phase 1: Opportunity mapping. Final Report to the Environment Agency (56 pp).

Broadmeadow, S., Dandy, N. Nisbet, T.R., 2013. Vision and strategy for riparian woodland planting and management to improve river ecology in the River Avon and River Frome. Final Report to Environment Agency, Natural England and Forestry Commission England (41pp).

Broadmeadow, S., Thomas, H., Shah, N., Nisbet, T.R. 2013. Opportunity mapping for woodland creation to improve water quality and reduce flood risk in the River Tay catchment – a pilot for Scotland. Final Report to FC Scotland and SEPA (40 pp).

Broadmeadow, S., Nisbet, T.R. 2012. National map of woodland creation opportunities: targeting eWGS to help meet the objectives of the WFD and reduce flood risk in England. Final Report to Forestry Commission England. Forest Research, Alice Holt Lodge, Surrey (29 pp).

Broadmeadow, S., Thomas, H., Nisbet, T.R. 2012. Midlands Woodland for Water Project, Phase 1: Opportunity mapping. Final Report to the Environment Agency (101pp).

Vanguelova, E., Broadmeadow, S. Anderson, R., Yamulki, S., Randle, T., Nisbet, T., Morison, J. 2012. A Strategic Assessment of Afforested Peat Resources in Wales. Report to Forestry Commission, Wales, 141pp.

Nisbet, T.R., Marrington, S., Thomas, H., Broadmeadow, S.B., Valatin, G. 2011. Slowing the Flow at Pickering. Final report for the Department of environment, food and rural affairs (Defra), Project RMP5455. Defra, London.

Helliwell, R., Aherne, J., MacDougall, G., Nisbet, T., Broadmeadow, S., Sample, J., Jackson-Blake, L., Doughty, R. and Malcolm, I. (2011). Modelling the long-term response of stream water chemistry to atmospheric pollution and forestry practices in Galloway, SW Scotland (PDF-4144 KB). Final report to Forestry Commission (84pp).

Broadmeadow, S. and Nisbet, T.R. (2010). Opportunity mapping for woodland to reduce flooding in the River Derwent, Cumbria (PDF-4193 KB). Final Report to Cumbria Woodlands for the Woodland Trust, Natural England and Forestry Commission England. Forest Research, Surrey (62 pp)

Broadmeadow, S. and Nisbet, T.R. (2010). Opportunity mapping for woodland creation to reduce diffuse sediment and phosphate pollution in the Lake District (PDF-4969 KB). Final Report for the Woodland Trust, Natural England and Forestry Commission England. Forest Research, Surrey, 62pp

Trade journal and newsletter articles

Slowing the Flow Partnership. 2016. Slowing the Flow Partnership Briefing: Boxing Day 2015 Flood Event. Forest Research, Farnham, Surrey.

Vanguelova, E.I., Morison, J., Nisbet, T., Martin, S. 2015. Taking Stock of Forest Soil Carbon. Forestry and Timber News, August 2015, 26-27.

Nisbet, T.R. 2014. Using trees to slow the flow. Spring 2014 edition of Forest Research News.

Vanguelova, E. and Nisbet, T. (2010). Save the soil. Chartered Forester, Autumn 2010, pages 22-23.

Scientific conferences: presentations or posters


Presentation on ‘Acid catchments – Can woodland cover expand without damaging water quality’ given to ICF Wales Annual Conference in Abergavenny on 18 November 2016.

Presentation on ‘Slowing the Flow at Pickering – Background and Outcomes’ to the Forest Engineering Group NFM Conference in Penrith on 8 September 2016.

Presentation on ‘Slowing the Flow at Pickering – An Integrated Approach to Flood Risk Management’ to Institute of Chartered Engineers’ Natural Flood Management Conference in London on 30 June 2016.

Presentation on ‘the role of woodland in natural flood management’ to BHS/Upland Hydrology Group Conference on ‘Upland Water in the Rose Bowl’ in Leeds on 19 January 2016.

Presentation on ‘Forests and Water – An assessment of Water Services and Disbenefits’ to British Hydrological Society conference in Birmingham on 16 September 2015.

Presentation on ‘Managing forests in acid sensitive water catchments’ to Institute of Fisheries Management Conference in Penrith on 21 April 2015

Presentation on ‘Woodlands for water – Planting trees to reduce flood risk and improve water quality’ to CIWEMs Natural Flood Management Conference in London on 10 September 2014.

Presentation on ‘Slowing the Flow at Pickering – Using Woodland to reduce flood risk’ to the Arun & Rother Ecosystem Services Conference in Brighton on 24 June 2014.

Presentation on ‘Development of forest bioenergy guidelines for soil and water protection – experience from the UK’ to the EUROSOIL Congress in Italy on 3 July 2012.

Presentation on ‘Forestry and flood alleviation in the Vale of Pickering: A case study’ to the Royal Forestry Society Conference at Stoneleigh on 24 April 2012

Presentation on ‘Experience of NFM on the ground: Pickering Catchment’ to the SNIFFER Flood Risk Management Conference 2012 in Edinburgh on 9 February 2012

Presentation on ‘Forestry, soils and ecosystem services: the role of forestry in flood risk management’ to British Society of Soil Science Annual Conference in London on 19-20 July 2011.

Workshops, Seminars & Meetings:

Presentation on ‘Science and targeting of woods for flood risk management: evidence and mapping’ to Staveley community workshop in Staveley on 2 March 2017.

Presentation on ‘Woodlands for Water – Evidence and Targeting’ to an FCE regional workshop in Cumbria on 17 February 2017 on creating new woodland in NW England.

Presentation on ‘The role of forestry in water protection and flood risk management’ to a meeting of the Independent Environmental Advisory Panel to Dwr Cymru Welsh Water at Garwnant on 18 January 2017.

Presentation on ‘Science and targeting of woods for flood risk management: evidence and mapping’ to Braithwaite community workshop in Braithwaite on 2 November 2016.

Presentations on ‘How tress, woodlands and forests can contribute to flood risk management – a review of the evidence’ to ‘Roots, Runoff and Reducing Flood Risk’ workshops for Defra family and for local communities, landowners and land managers in Penrith on 27 and 28 September 2016.

Presentation on ‘Woodland Creation and Natural Flood Management’ to the ‘River Parliament’ in Westminster on 25 May 2016.

Presentation on ‘Benefits of woodlands to reduce flood risk and diffuse pollution’ to ‘Farming, Woodlands & Water’ workshop at Reading University on 19 April 2016.

Presentation on ‘Design and placement of woody structures for flood risk management’ to JHI/Glasgow University workshop on ‘Large Woody Debris and Fish’, in Perth on 12 April 2016.

Presentations on ‘How trees, woodlands and forests can contribute to flood risk management – a review of the evidence’ and ‘Lessons learned from case studies using trees to reduce flood risk’ to FES Flood Risk Management Workshop in Perth on 15 March 2016.

Presentation on ‘Woodland creation – an effective form of Natural Flood Management?’ to a meeting of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Biodiversity in London on ‘Natural flood defences: what works, who pays and can biodiversity benefit too?’ on 1 March 2016′.

Presentation on ‘The Role of Productive Woodlands in Water Management’ to a meeting of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Forestry in London on 2 February 2016.

Presentations on ‘Woodlands for Flood Protection in Cumbria’ to meetings of Cumbria Flood Partnership and Steering Group in Kendal on 26 January 2016 and Penrith on 27 January 2016.

Presentation on ‘Managing Water Security: Forestry Commission Perspectives’ to NERC LWEC meeting in Swindon on 3 September 2015.

Presentation on ‘Woodland for Water: Evidence & Opportunity Mapping’ to FCE-EA national water workshop in Birmingham on 10 July 2015.

Presentation on ‘Woods for Water: Science and Technical Application’ to FCE SE Advisory Committee Meeting in Wallingford on 7 July 2015.

Presentation on ‘Woodland for water: Using Woodland Creation to Reduce Flood Risk’ to FCE-EA water workshop in Birmingham on 21 May 2015.

Presentation on ‘Forests and water: An assessment of water services and dis-benefits’ at a meeting of the Urban Catchment Forestry Steering Group at Red Rose Forest Offices in Salford on 19 March 2015.

Presentation on the Confor report ‘The role of productive woodland in water management’ to forest industry in Newcastle on 17 March 2015.

Presentation on ‘The role of woodland in natural flood management’ to a Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management regional meeting in York on 26 February 2015

Joint presentation with Clackmannanshire Council on ‘Woodland creation and flood risk – Lessons from Jerah’ at SNIFFER’s Flood Risk Management Conference in Edinburgh on 3-4 February 2015.

Presentation on ‘Water services of woodlands’ to FC/Defra workshop on the economic valuation of woodland water services and costs in London on 28 January 2015.

Presentation on ‘Forests and water – An assessment of water services and dis-benefits’ to Newcastle University on 26 January 2015.

Presentation on ‘Slowing the Flow through catchment management’ to an Institution of Civil Engineers’ webinar on 16 January 2015

Presentation on ‘Woodland creation for water services’ to the Natural Capital Initiative Summit in London on 7 November 2014.

Presentation on ‘Using trees to hold water’ at ‘The Flow Partnership’ workshop on ‘Holding water: Working with nature to ease floods and droughts’ in London on 5 November 2014.

Presentation on ‘Woodlands for Water – Opportunity Mapping’ to Shropshire Wildlife Trust workshop on natural flood management in Colemere on 9 October 2014.

Presentation on ‘Potential research on woodland’s impacts on water environment’ to a meeting of the UK Network of Environmental Economists on ‘Assessing Defra’s Environmental Economics Research Needs’ in London on 10 July 2014

Presentation on ‘The impacts of woodland and woody debris on flood risk management’ to the Rivers Trust Natural Flood Management Seminar at Newton Rigg on 11 June 2014.

Presentation on ‘Overview of Research on Forestry and Water’ to UKFPA seminar in Stirling on 28 May 2014.

Presentation on ‘The long-term effects of conifer afforestation on water quality – the River Halladale catchment’ to the Sweden & Finland TRIWA III project group in Dornoch on 20 May 2014.

Presentations on ‘Slowing the Flow at Pickering – Have we made a difference’ and ‘Slowing the Flow at Pickering – Lessons learned and spreading the word’ to Manchester University Symposium on 14-15 May 2014.

Presentation on ‘Forests and water interactions’ to Irish EPA workshop on ‘Understanding water quality and aquatic ecology in forested catchments in Ireland’ in Dublin on 8 April 2014.

Presentation on ‘Managing Forests in Acid-Sensitive Areas’ to NRW Stakeholder Workshop on forests, fisheries and water in Shrewsbury on 20 March 2014.

Presentations on ‘How woodland can contribute to flood risk management – the evidence’ to three regional ‘Woodland and Flood Risk Management training workshops’ run for the Environment Agency in York on 5 July 2013, Exeter on 5 March 2014 and Nottingham on 7 March 2014.

Presentation on ‘Slowing the Flow at Pickering – Helping to Reduce Flood Risk’ at a Nature Improvement Area Best Practice Event ‘People, Place and the Economy’ in Northampton on 26 February 2014

Presentations on evidence base underpinning ‘opportunity mapping’ to a Midlands EA seminar and regional stakeholder workshop in Birmingham on 9 and 21 May 2013.

Presentations on evidence base underpinning ‘opportunity mapping’ to a Yorkshire & North East EA seminar and regional stakeholder workshop in Newcastle on 15-16 April 2013.

Presentation on ‘Slowing the Flow at Pickering: A Project Overview’ at a Natural Flood Management workshop in Edinburgh on 19 February 2013

Presentation on ‘Slowing the Flow at Pickering: A Project Overview’ at a Defra project workshop at the National Trust’s Holnicote Estate in Somerset on 17-18 October 2012

Presentation on ‘Woodlands for water: Projects and Payments’ to a Forestry Commission seminar on Payments for Ecosystem Services in Edinburgh on 19 June 2012

Presentation on project governance to a SNIFFER Natural Flood Management Workshop in Edinburgh on 19 October 2011

Presentation on lessons learned from the Slowing the Flow at Pickering project to a Sibthorp Trust Seminar on the Ecosystems Approach at Cirencester on 14-15 April 2011

Presentation on ‘Slowing the Flow at Pickering’ to a Forest Research Seminar in Farnham on 8 April 2011

Other meetings e.g. contributions to training events, outreach days, trade shows, forest health days, Parliamentary committees

Contribution to site visit by Staveley community in Cumbria on 2 March 2017 to discuss natural flood risk management options.

Contribution to FCE-EA workshop in Birmingham on 6 February 2017 on natural flood management modelling.

Contribution to two Defra workshops in London on 30 January 2017 to discuss strategic evidence needs on themes of water environment management and planning plus on water markets and competition.

Contribution to Defra meeting in London on 13 December 2016 on future policy direction of NFM.

Contribution to site visit by Braithwaite community to Coledale catchment in Cumbria on 2 November 2016 to discuss natural flood risk management options.

Contribution to Oliver Letwin’s Committee and EFRA Committee visits to Pickering in summer 2016.

Contribution to NERC expert workshop in Birmingham on 9 June 2016 on natural flood management.

Contribution to ICF site visit to Jerah Farm near Stirling on 12 May 2016 to discuss NFM project.

Contribution to site visit to Pickering by group of Forest Enterprise Scotland staff on 14 April 2016.

Contribution to meeting of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Biodiversity in London on ‘Natural flood defences: what works, who pays and can biodiversity benefit too?’ on 1 March 2016′.

Contribution to site visit to Pickering by HRH Prince of Wales on 17 February 2016.

Contribution to meeting of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Forestry in London on 2 February 2016 to discuss the role of forestry in flood risk management.

Contribution to Moors for the Future seminar in Manchester on 10 November 2015 on natural flood management.

Contribution to site visit to Pickering by Secretary of State for the Environment on 23 October 2015.

Contribution to site visit to Pickering by SEPA-led Strathard Project on 21 October 2015.

Contribution to stakeholder workshop at Reading University on 21 September 2015 on Virtual Hub for Flood Risk Management in Loddon Catchment.

Contribution to meeting in Swindon on 3 September 2015 of LWEC Challenge Area on water security.

Contribution to UK Water Industry Research meeting in London on 21 July 2015.

Contribution to Tyne Rivers Trust Forestry and Water Workshop and Field Meeting on 22-23 April 2015.

Contribution to site visit to Pickering by a group of Local Authorities on 27 February 2015

Contribution to Sussex Flow Initiative Expert Forum at Woods Mill, near Brighton on 24 February 2015.

Contribution to Defra workshop on ‘Practical developments in the ecosystem services approach and catchment management – support for emerging good practice in towns and cities’ in London on 24 November 2014.

Contribution to Natural Capital Initiative Dialogue Session on Flooding in London on 22 September 2014.

Contribution to launch of Queen Elizabeth Research Forest in Aberfoyle on 18 March 2014.

Contribution to site visit to Pickering by group from The Royal Society on 7 January 2014.

Contribution to site visit to Pickering by local partners and media for launch of the flood storage bund scheme on 7 January 2014.

Contribution to UK Stakeholder Workshop in London on 13 November 2013 on the application for an extension of the cypermethrin derogation.

Contribution to Defra/EA Natural Processes R&D workshop in Sheffield on 24 September 2013

Contribution to site visit to Pickering by Natural England Chairman on 23 September 2013

Contribution to site visit to Pickering by North East and Yorkshire and The Humber Forestry Commission Regional Advisory Committees on 26 June 2013

Contribution to community engagement day for local community in Pickering on 25 January 2013.

Contribution to site visit to Pickering by Defra Permanent Secretary on 8 June 2012.

Contribution to the Ecosystems Knowledge and Learning Forum in Birmingham on 13 February 2012.

Contribution to Natural Flood Management seminar at the Houses of Parliament on 17 January 2012.

Contribution to site visit to Pickering by Institution of Chartered Engineers’ Reservoir Safety Review Group on 16 January 2012

Contribution to a range of training days on new UKFS Forests and Water Guidelines for countries, including FCE (13 December 2011), FCW (8 December 2011) and FCS (20-21 November 2012).

Contribution to site visit to Pickering by the Independent Panel on Forestry on 6 December 2011.

Contribution to site visit to Pickering by the Holnicote project management group on 26 October 2011.

Contribution to site visit to Pickering by Secretary of State for the Environment and Defra Chief Scientist on 19 May 2011.


Contribution to site visit to Pickering by BBC film team on 11 February 2014.

Contribution to BBC 1 Bang Goes the Theory science programme (Episode 6) on Flooding, broadcast on 14 April 2014.