Forestry in the UK is a devolved matter, so each country has their own forestry programmes or strategies that set out policies and priorities for woodland creation and management. Forestry research is also conducted at the UK level, and the climate change adaptation guidance and resources on the Climate Change Hub are UK-wide, for example UK Forestry Standard publications, although any significant local variations will be highlighted where appropriate.
The UKFS Practice Guide ‘Adapting forest and woodland management to the changing climate’ guides practitioners through the process from assessing climate change risks to implementing adaptation measures.
Printed copies are available to purchase from Forest Research.
Printed copies are available to purchase from Forest Research.
"*" indicates required fields
Top tips on how to develop a biosecurity action plan are now available from the Forest Research Climate Change Hub*, providing landowners and managers with the latest information on how to prevent the introduction and spread of harmful pests and pathogens.
Tom Locatelli, Senior Climate Change Scientist and Project Leader – Wind Risk in a Changing Climate, talks about wind risk in forestry and how ForestGALES helps foresters and land managers plan and manage woodlands and forests.
International conference and workshop on wind risk and the ForestGALES/fgr wind risk model successfully delivered in Scotland.
Top tips on how to develop a biosecurity action plan are now available from the Forest Research Climate Change Hub*, providing landowners and managers with the latest information on how to prevent the introduction and spread of harmful pests and pathogens.
Tom Locatelli, Senior Climate Change Scientist and Project Leader – Wind Risk in a Changing Climate, talks about wind risk in forestry and how ForestGALES helps foresters and land managers plan and manage woodlands and forests.
International conference and workshop on wind risk and the ForestGALES/fgr wind risk model successfully delivered in Scotland.