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Forestry Statistics is a compilation of statistics on woodland, forestry and primary wood processing in the UK.

Where possible, statistical information in this publication covers the whole of the United Kingdom, and is broken down to give figures for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. We would like to acknowledge the contribution of Natural Resources Wales and Northern Ireland’s Forest Service in providing a wide range of statistics for this publication, which has made it possible to have more comprehensive coverage of the UK. However, there are some topics for which data are currently only available for some parts of the UK, and these tables are labelled accordingly.

As a National Statistics output, this publication concentrates on topics for which the data meet National Statistics quality standards. However some topics outside the scope of National Statistics are included, to give a more rounded picture; any such tables are footnoted as “outside the scope of National Statistics”. This means that they have not been subject to National Statistics quality assurance procedures, but does not necessarily imply that they are of poorer quality. The following tables and charts are not designated as National Statistics:

  • Table 1.2: Woodland area in the UK (time series);
  • Tables 1.6 to 1.11, figures 1.3 to 1.4b: National Forest Inventory;
  • Table 1.15: Felling licences;
  • Tables 1.16a and 1.16b: Statutory Plant Health Notices;
  • Table 2.4a: Softwood availability forecasts;
  • Table 2.4b: Hardwood availability forecasts;
  • Table 2.30: Recycled wood used for woodfuel;
  • Tables 4.1 to 4.3b, Figures 4.2 to 4.4: UK forests and climate change;
  • Figure 5.2: Tree health;
  • Tables 5.2a and 5.2b: Woodland fires;
  • Tables 6.1 to 6.10, Figure 6.1: Recreation;
  • Table 8.2, figure 8.2: IPD UK Forestry Index;
  • Tables 9.1 to 9.6, Figures 9.1 to 9.7: International forestry.

To navigate this publication on a desktop or laptop, please use the links on the left-hand side of the screen to access the contents list, to use the search facility or to select a range of pages to print. On a phone or tablet, the links can be accessed by first clicking on the menu icon at the top right corner of the page. The “Back to statistics” button will access the Forestry Commission’s Statistics home page. Individual pages provide further links to relevant tables and sources, and you can use the “previous” and “next” links at the top of the screen to page through the publication.

The tables within each chapter (including data for charts) are available to download from the Tables for Download page. In addition, longer time series (in Excel and PDF formats) are available for some tables within the Statistics Data Downloads page at

Selected statistics from this publication are provided in “Forestry Facts and Figures 2016”, available at

The Forestry Commission also publishes a range of other Official Statistics, available at

A National Statistics publication

The United Kingdom Statistics Authority has designated these statistics as National Statistics, in accordance with the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007 and signifying compliance with the Code of Practice for Official Statistics.

Designation can be broadly interpreted to mean that the statistics:

  • meet identified user needs;
  • are well explained and readily accessible;
  • are produced according to sound methods, and
  • are managed impartially and objectively in the public interest.

Once statistics have been designated as National Statistics it is a statutory requirement that the Code of Practice shall continue to be observed.

For more information about National Statistics and the UK Statistics Authority visit:

Forestry Commission’s statistical release practices

The Forestry Commission aims to release statistics as soon as they are available. All of our National Statistics and other Official Statistics publications are available on our website Release dates are published on our website for the year ahead. Publications are made available at 9.30 am on the day of release.

Forestry Commission’s statistical revisions policy

Revisions to statistics can occur when further data become available or errors are corrected. The Forestry Commission will normally revise statistics when the figures next appear in any publication. However, if the revision is significant (i.e. resulting in a major change to the published figures), a note showing the revisions will be published as soon as possible on the Forestry Commission website and distributed to all known recipients. In addition, the web versions of any current publications affected will be revised. See our full revisions’ policy at FCrevisions.pdf for further information.


Summary information on quality is available in the Sources’ chapter of this publication. More details are provided in quality reports for individual topics, available at

Release date:22 September 2016
Coverage: United Kingdom
Geographical breakdown: Country (where possible)

Issued by: Statistics, Forest Research, 231 Corstorphine Road, Edinburgh, EH12 7AT
Enquiries: Robert Stagg 0300 067 5238;
Statistician: Sheila Ward 0300 067 5236


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