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The methodology and outputs relevant to a particular topic are reviewed regularly to ensure that they are fit for purpose.

More in-depth reviews, to address specific issues, are undertaken on an ad hoc basis. These may consider:

  • Potential problem areas;
  • New or changed concepts, definitions and classifications;
  • New or changed data sources.
  • Potential method improvements
  • New or changed data requirements;

For substantial methodological changes, we will produce a paper outlining the changes to be made and the effects of these changes. This paper will be released on our website before the release of any statistics based on the new methods.

There is a parallel process for survey reviews.

Further details on specific methodology and output reviews are provided below.

Woodland Carbon Code Statistics Review 2015

In 2015, Woodland Carbon Code Statistics were reviewed. The findings and action plan can be found in Methodology Review: Woodland Carbon Code Statistics.

Woodland Area, Planting and Restocking Review 2014

In 2014, woodland area, planting and restocking were reviewed. The findings and action plan can be found in Methodology Review: Woodland Area, Planting and Restocking.

UK Wood Imports & Exports Review 2013 & Methodology Note

In 2013, UK wood imports & exports were reviewed. The findings and action plan can be found in Methodology Review: UK Wood Imports & Exports.

Methodology note: UK wood imports and exports sets out the data analysis methods used to produce annual estimates of UK wood imports and exports.

UK Wood Production Review 2012 & Methodology Note

In 2012, UK wood production was reviewed. The findings and action plan can be found in Methodology Review: UK Wood Production.

Methodology note: UK wood production sets out the data analysis methods used to produce annual estimates of UK wood production.

Annual Woodland Area Estimates 2012

The methodology used to estimate the area of GB woodland was refined in 2012. Further details can be found in the Methodology Note: Annual Woodland Area Estimates.

Softwood Removals from Non-FC/FS woodland 2012

A review of the methodology used to estimate the quantity of UK softwood removals** from woodland that is not owned or managed by the Forestry Commission (in Great Britain) or the Forest Service (in Northern Ireland) was undertaken in 2011-2012. The paper Methodology Review of Softwood Removals from Non-FC/ FS Woodland presents the results from this review and the implications of the proposed change in methodology.

** Softwood removals refers to the harvesting of roundwood (logs and small branches) from coniferous trees.

Price Index Review 2008

A review of the methodology used to calculate the Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index (CSSPI) was undertaken in 2007-2008 and a new methodology implemented in the November 2008 edition of Timber Price Indices. The paper Methodology for the Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index provides further details.