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Soil profile
Depth Horizon Detail
3 cm LF 50:50 L and F
17 cm H Very humose (7.5 Y 2/1) abundant fine roots containing common mycorrhiza nodules; diffuse boundary. LF and H contain 80% of the root mass
2.5 to 10 cm AH(g) Dark brown (7.5YR 3/2) humose sandy clay loam with small pockets of very fine sand. Lightly gleyed light grey (7.5 YR 5/6) surrounding a strong brown (7.5 YR 5/6) mottle.
10 to 23 cm Eg Pale brown (10YR 6/3) strongly gleyed (10YR 6/6-6/8) moderately stony clay; coarse sandstone subangular fragments (10-30 mm) weathering in situ; 70% matrix, 30% mottle; non-sticky; non-plastic; weak structure; common fine fibrous and semi-fibrous roots; Fe concentrations forming along root channels; not cemented or compacted; no faunal activity; clear distinct boundary.
23 to 43 cm Bg Greenish grey (10BG 5/1) strongly gleyed with strong brown (7.5YR 5/8) mottle; moderately stoney clay loam; coarse sandstone subangular fragments (10-30 mm) weathering in situ, causing localised coarse sandy pockets; sticky; plastic; weak blocky structure; common dead white fine fibrous roots (due to water table movement); Fe concentrations forming along root channels; not cemented or compacted; no faunal activity; very clear distinct boundary.
43 to 100+ cm Bg Bluish grey (10BG 6/1) very strongly gleyed with brownish yellow (10YR 6/8) mottle moderately stoney clay loam; coarse sandstone subangular fragments (10-30 mm) weathering in situ, sticky, slightly plastic; weak blocky structure; few dead fine fibrous root; common manganese nodules; anaerobic; not cemented or compacted; no faunal activity.

Soil chemistry and particle size distribution (%) data are also available for various horizons (sample date: 02/05/96). Contact Sue Benham.

Integrated forest monitoring
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Integrated forest monitoring