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Foliar chemistry assessment undertaken every 1 to 2 years
(Average over 1995 to 2005 period)
Element Average Standard error Sample size
Macronutrients (mg/g) N 14.28 1.651 50
S 211.9 88.23 36
P 1.011 0.119 50
Ca 4.403 0.553 50
Mg 1.022 0.118 50
K 5.947 0.661 50
Micronutrients (μg/g) Na 81.18 5.934 16
Zn 15.04 0.403 50
Mn 709.2 39.78 50
Fe 97.67 2.653 50
Cu 7.516 0.237 50
B 46.29 2.654 16
Trace metals (μg/g) Al 61.67 2.816 50
Ni 4.492 0.295 29
Co 0.292 0.122 5
Cd 0.087 0.017 24
Cr 0.275 0.045 24
Ti 4.164 0.253 14
Integrated forest monitoring
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Integrated forest monitoring