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Horizon scanning for potential pest threats is essential to support the success of new tree planting programmes across Britain. This project aims to identify new and emerging pest threats to the health and success of newly created woodlands, and to priority tree species. It will assess the risks posed by established pests under current and future climates, and the most likely invasion pathways for key invasive pests. By conducting a pathway analysis of invasive forest pests established in the UK over the last few decades, their likely origin and area of establishment will be determined, and other potential threats will be identified which may move along the same pathway.

Research objectives

Identify new and emerging pest threats to the health and success of newly created woodlands, and to priority tree species

Assess the risks posed by established pests under current and future climates, and the most likely invasion pathways for key invasive pests

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We would like to interview participants to understand more about planting aspirations, species choice and awareness of potential pests and diseases associated with those choices.
The interview will ideally be conducted over teams although phone is possible. It will take approximately 45 minutes. All participant information will be anonymised in all publications and outputs.

For further information and to take part please contact Mariella Marzano