
This page provides information on completed and ongoing i-Tree Eco projects in the UK, with a focus on those projects where Forest Research have been collaborators or contributors.

i-Tree Eco provides a means to more fully understand a city’s urban forest with respect to its species composition, structure and condition, and to calculate and value many of the ecological benefits that that urban forest provides to those and live and work in the city. Data from an i-Tree Eco survey can be used for making effective resource management decisions, developing policy, and setting priorities for a town’s trees.

Many towns and cities across the UK have completed an i-Tree Eco project. Projects have also been conducted for single parks, estates, metropolitan areas and, even, at county level.

Links to project reports – full technical reports and summary documents – are provided in the menu to the left-hand side.

Funders and partners

The partners and funders of each project are listed in the project specific reports.


This project is ongoing.

Research Objectives

Each of these projects will aim, as a minimum, to:

  • understand the structure of the urban forest of the study area, including the species composition, diversity and tree condition
  • quantify four of the ecosystem services provided by those urban trees and provide an economic value them
  • rank the importance of different tree species, and
    assess the vulnerability of the urban forest to pests and diseases

General Content


Kieron Doick

Useful sites

i-Tree website
