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57 Search Results

  • Publications

    [Archive] Timber measurement – a field guide

    Lead Author: P.N. Edwards
    This Booklet is designed purely for field use. It assumes some knowledge of, and training in, forest measurement procedures which are more fully described in the Forest Mensuration Handbook by G. J. Hamilton, and the reader is referred to this publication for further information. However, the present Booklet contains all the mensurational information which may […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] The use of herbicides in the forest (2nd edition)

    Lead Author: J.S.P. Sale
    This is the first revision of the original 1983 edition of this Booklet and incorporates recent developments in herbicides, equipment and methods of application.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Conifers (3rd edition)

    Lead Author: Alan F. Mitchell
    Alan Mitchell’s fascinating guide to conifers features 40 types: two natives, the rest brought to Britain over the years.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Thinning control (3rd edition)

    Lead Author: T.J.D. Rollinson
    This booklet is designed for field use. It provides a simple guide to the control of volume to be removed when marking a thinning. There are three sections. The first section describes the Yield Class system and the assessment of yield class in a stand. The second section covers thinning practice, that is, the type, […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Mid-diameter sawlog tables

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    This Booklet provides information on the mid-diameter method, which is the traditional method for estimating the volume of logs. The first edition of this work was called the Metric volume ready reckoner for round timber.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Broadleaves

    Lead Author: Herbert L. Edlin
    It’s impossible to imagine the British landscape without its broadleaved trees. Horse chestnut, holly, beech and birch – all have long been admired and valued not only because of their timber-producing capacity but also for their beauty.The broadleaves of Britain form part of that vast natural forest of northern Europe which once stretched from the […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] A key to eucalypts in Britain and Ireland

    Lead Author: J. Evans
    This Booklet describes the species named in an Arboriculture Research Note on eucalypts in Britain by Evans (1980) plus a few others, and the principal species grown in Ireland referred to by Mooney (1960). The most successful species are from areas of temperate climate in Australia and are relatively frost tolerant. The characters used are […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] A catalogue of phytophagous insects and mites on trees in Great Britain

    Lead Author: T.G. Winter
    The main objective of this catalogue is to bring some uniformity into exchanges concerning forest entomology. It consists of three lists: a basic one and two supplementary. The basic list includes all species in Pests and diseases of forest plantation trees (F G Brown, 1968) occurring in Britain, to which have been added many others […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] The use of chemicals (other than herbicides) in forest and nursery

    Lead Author: O.N. Blatchford
    This is the first Booklet dedicated to chemicals other than herbicides used in forestry. It is suggested that this publication is kept with its companion volume The use of herbicides in the forest (Booklet 51) to give a comprehensive reference to the use of all chemicals in the forest. Although produced primarily for internal use […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Yield models for forest management

    Lead Author: P.N. Edwards
    This booklet, with its associated yield models and curves, replaces Forestry Commission Booklet Number 34 Forest Management Tables (Metric) by G. J. Hamilton and J. M. Christie, which was published by HMSO in 1971. Yield models can be constructed to simulate the effects of any silvicultural treatment, and the ‘normal yield tables’ included in the […]
  • Publications

    [Archive] Investment appraisal in forestry

    Lead Author: R.J.N. Busby
    The purpose of this Booklet is to outline the basic concepts of investment appraisal as they apply to forestry, to provide tables of use in appraisal and to illustrate their application to a variety of cases in forestry.
  • Publications

    [Archive] Standard time tables and output guides

    Lead Author: Forestry Commission
    The demand from private forestry for guidance on payment of workers has increased enormously over the past few years and to meet these needs, the Forestry Commission has decided to publish current tables in the form of a Booklet every few years.